Category Archives: Waltzs
Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
Fascination 2022 – Remembering Mom
Mom passed away 4 years ago today on September 27, 2019. Her favorite song was Fascination, so I played her favorite song with some of my favorite photos of her.… Read the rest
Gopak No 2 – Puppy Fun
Buddy’s growing fast. As the proud parent, I love to take his photos. He won’t stay puppy very long. I thought the Gopak No 2 would go cute with some of his photos and videos. Taking care of puppy and not playing accordion, makes for really rusty fingers. LOL… Read the rest
Lullaby for Buddy
Brahm’s Lullaby (Cradle Song) Buddy actually likes my accordion playing. He will actually lay on foot as I play or curl up with the foot of the music stand. So I thought this would be perfect for my little sleeping pup.… Read the rest
Dark Winter
I call this piece Dark Winter because it actually feels like a long, cold, dark winter as I play it. It is actually Sous Le Ciel De Varsovie or Under the Warsaw Sky composed by Dominique Perczak. I felt like it was going to be a long, cold, dark winter when I was looking out the window this morning.… Read the rest
Lilting Waltz
Lilting Waltz composed by George Frank. When George shared this wonderful little tune with me I was excited. It was the first song he composed. When he sent it to me, he told me to play it any way I wanted including one of my IMPROV/Variations. So I had great fun with this.… Read the rest
Oktoberfest Medley
Oktoberfest Medley 2021 – Young Fellow Waltz, Casino Polka & Shining Moon Waltz All three songs were composed by Marion Lush… Read the rest
Mexicali Rose – Waltz, Cha Cha and Swing
played Mexicali Rose yesterday with my Roland Digital Accordion as a swing version. Lots of comments that it is a waltz. Yes, it is a waltz and I often play it that way. BUT, the fun of playing as a soloist is you can do it anyway you want! I have great fun doing different rendition of songs.… Read the rest
Mexicali Rose
I am home and the sun is shining. Better than the days of rain I had while camping. This is such a pretty song. I always played it as a waltz in the past, but I heard a Teresa Brewer swing version. So I thought if it was good enough for her, it would do for me! The music is by Jack B. Tenney and words by Helen Stone written in 1923. Always a favorite when playing for folks. I hope you enjoy it.… Read the rest
Sleep, Girl of My Dreams, Together and For You
A few great old fashioned waltzes for a Sunday afternoon. Getting use to my new Petosa accordion. Seems perfect for these old waltzes. I hope you enjoy my medley.… Read the rest
Over Three Hills
I wanted to play a traditional waltz with my new (used) Petosa Little Pro XT. I really liked my Little Pro, but it has limited keys and reeds, although it has a great sound. I have been watching for the next larger sized, used one for a long time.… Read the rest