The Happy Farmer
Another old song from my early accordion lessons back in 1952. Always fun, but thought I would give it a little Latin twist. Hope you enjoy my visit to the farm.… Read the rest
Another old song from my early accordion lessons back in 1952. Always fun, but thought I would give it a little Latin twist. Hope you enjoy my visit to the farm.… Read the rest
Ronnie wrote this to Thank Tom for his help and shared it awhile back. I really like it and play it on and off. … Read the rest
This is just for Little Beau who turned 4 months old today. I had great fun with this – who couldn’t have fun singing about puppies… Read the rest
This is video 300. I actually recorded the video in July 28, 2020, but never made a YouTube video from it. So I thought it would be a good addition and crowd pleaser.… Read the rest
Testing new 3 month old Corgi to see how he likes accordion playing. Pretty unimpressed and napped instead of chewing on all my chords.… Read the rest
I found this cute song in one of my old books. Never heard it before, but seemed just right to sing on my 78th Birthday. … Read the rest
Sweetie is my 4 month old Corgi. She came here to be Buddy’s sister… Read the rest
Sweetie is Buddy’s new little sister. She is a 4 month old Corgi. They wrestle and play all day!!!… Read the rest
Buddy loves playing with our neighbor’s 4 month old Corgi, Mindy. I just ad-libbed the music to accompany the video. They have so much fun.… Read the rest
A little farm fun on Saturday morning. Turkey in the Straw.… Read the rest
Oh Dem Golden Slippers written by African-American James A. Bland in 1879. Having a little fun with some oldies. Buddy was napping, so I took the advantage to play a little accordion. Playing through the old fake books and came to the section of really, really oldies. Just started playing thru some and stopped at this cutie. Great fun playing this. I hope it brightens your day a bit.… Read the rest
It’s so nice to have a Man Around The House. Buddy is 3 months old today and is learning many new things. He has pretty well mastered the dustpan – at least holding the handle. Next – the broom which he prefers to chew on instead of sweep with.… Read the rest