Two Love Have I
J’Ai Deux Amours -Two Loves Have I. I think it can be a Valentine’s Day Song. I opened one of the fake books and this beautiful song was right there. Like pick a card, any card. This is open to a page, any page. I played it and really thought it a pretty song for Mr. Dino. Then went searching to find out more about the song. Turns out – old, old from 1927 written by Vincent Scotto, George Doger and Henri Varna. The interesting history is that everyone one in the world from the old days recorded it. In 1947, Frankie Lane and Perry Como did a recording. Sammy Davis Jr. did a beautiful slow version. The Diamons did it in 1957 and the Commodores in 1956. It was originally performed in 1927 by Josephine Baker and Phylicia Allen did a show about her and the music in 1978. So it has been well recorded. I never heard it, wondering if any one else knows it. I love finding new songs I never heard before and then, like making friends, get to spend a lot of quality, enjoyable time with them!