Happy Trails
Happy Trails. I saw a photo of Gene Autry today and thought of Happy Trails. I know Roy Rogers and Dale Evens sang it, but it popped into my mind and I started humming it. LOL So many things pop up in my mind!!! I had to buy a copy. I have hundreds of pieces of music, but not one Happy Trails. It is simple, but I ended up doing a bunch of videos and gave up. Used the last one. LOL For what I am getting paid, good enough is good enough. “Happy Trails” is a song by Roy Rogers and wife Dale Evans, known as the theme song for the 1940s and 1950s radio program and the 1950s television show in which they starred. It was written by Evans and always sung by the duo over the end credits of those programs. Members of the Western Writers of America chose it as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time.