There’s No Tomorrow
Today is my 77th Birthday and I celebrate with a song. There is No Tomorrow – a love song explaining “now is forever when love is true.” Pretty much describes our lives. All we have is the now, today to enjoy, love and cherish. We hope there is a tomorrow, but we live in the now and with our memories. I paged through my fake books looking for a song for today and stopped here. Then, after I practiced it, I realized it is a tune with many names. LOL “There’s No Tomorrow”, written by Al Hoffman, Leo Corday and Leon Carr, is one of two popular songs based on the Italian song, “O Sole Mio” (music by Eduardo di Capua). (The other was “It’s Now or Never”, popularized by Elvis Presley.) The biggest hit version of the song was recorded by Tony Martin, which charted in 1949.