Tag Archives: Accordion Music
26 Miles/ Santa Catalina
26 Miles /Santa Catalina played by Pat Walter and her Roland FR 4X Another sing along for a gray day. We all love Romance!
… Read the restPatriotic Medley Featuring all Service Songs
Patriotic Medley for Armed Forces Day. Honoring all the men and women serving in our military. Played with my Roland FR 4X Accordion. Thanks to Pixebay for the beautiful free photos to illustrate the video. Hope you enjoy.
… Read the restToday
Today is one my favorite songs. Reminds me how blessed I truly am. Covid-19 has changed our lives. We remember yesterday, being patient today and not sure what tomorrow will bring. I hope this might bring a little hope to your heart.
… Read the restItsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini
Another fun sing along old song. Remember it from high school. Reminds me that summer must be waiting out there somewhere.
… Read the restLollipop
Lollipop is a fun sing along. Thanks to Pixabay for the fun graphics. Lollipop was published in 1958. Words and music by Beverly Ross and Julius Dixon. Thanks for a fun song.
… Read the restFascination
Happy Mother’s Day. Fascination was my Mom’s favorite songs. She passed away 2 years ago at 96. I hope she will hear a bit of this where ever she is. Here’s to you Mom.
… Read the restThe Old Lamp Lighter
The Old Lamp-Lighter to brighten up a grey day. Always a favorite. I can remember playing in on an old piano my Mom bought for the basement back about 1960. I enjoy playing and making the videos. Gives me something to do on these long Stay at Home Day.s I hope they might bring a smile to your face. I am plying on my fantastic Roland FR 4X Virtual Accordion
… Read the restGeorgia On My Mind
A timeless old tune from 1930. Hard to believe, but music is timeless.
… Read the restPolka Set Just Because, In Heaven There is no Beer and Liechtensteiner Polks
A friend asked if I played polkas. She has not been around many accordion players. Yes, we play polkas. My American version of Just Because, In Heaven There is No Beer and Liechtensteiner Polka. Played to many audiences that lifted their beers in the air and sang – back in the day. LOL
SH-Boom SH-Boom
It’s National Accordion Day. I thought I would SH-Boom my way through the day. A really fun song SH-BOOM SH-BOOM. Sing along, dance along or don’t watch if you are not in a SH-BOOM Mood. LOL Hope you enjoy.
Time after Time
I love the old music and this is another of my favorites. Time After Time with my Roland FR 4X Accordion. So many sounds available, it is difficult to choose favorites. I hope you enjoy.… Read the rest